Leave No Trace
Outdoor Ethics

What is Leave No Trace?
Leave No Trace Canada (LNT) is a national non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and inspiring responsible outdoor recreation through education, research and partnerships. Leave No Trace builds awareness, appreciation and respect for our wildlands. The principles of Leave No Trace are supported by Hope Mountain Centre and infused into all of our areas of operation.
Seven Principles of LNT
Plan Ahead and Prepare
Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
Dispose of Waste Properly
Leave What You Find
Minimize Camp Fire Impacts
Respect Wildlife
Be Considerate of Other Visitors
Levels of Training
There are 3 levels of training recognized by Leave No Trace Canada. (diagram credit LNT.org).

Training Level Descriptions
Awareness Workshop
This workshop is one day or less in length and can take the form of a discussion about the Leave No Trace principles or can be a full day of formal training. A workshop can be specifically designed for individual groups, such as Scouts, canoe club members, guides, etc.
Trainer Course
This 2-day course is taught mostly or totally outside and includes 1 night of camping. It is intended for outdoor recreational users who wish to teach others how to minimize their impact on the natural environment whether they are hiking, canoeing, kayaking, climbing, etc. This course is ideal for guides, youth group leaders, teachers, camp counsellors, or anyone involved in environmental education.
Master Educator Course
This course provides the most comprehensive level of training with 4-5 days training, including a minimum of 3 nights camping. After successful completion, students will be qualified to teach both Awareness Workshops and Trainer Courses. In addition to in-depth instruction on the seven principles of Leave No Trace, this course will teach participants how to teach other trainers. It is ideal for people in leadership positions with youth and adults in the outdoors. This includes scouting leaders, park rangers, youth group leaders, camp educational directors, or others involved in environmental education.
Workshops & Courses Provided by Hope Mountain Centre
Hope Mountain Centre has partnered with Leave No Trace Canada to deliver Awareness Workshops.
Hope Mountain Centre provides workshops and courses to groups in the Hope region upon request. Contact us to inquire about availability and group pricing by email at info@hopemountain.org or by phone at (604)869-1274.
Awareness Workshops
In person awareness workshops can accommodate groups of up to 20 people max and cost approximately $600 per group (equivalent to $30 pp).
Online awareness workshops (via Zoom) can accommodate groups of up to 30 people and cost approximately $300 per group (equivalent to $10 pp).
Watch the Video
Thank you, Shaw TV, for recording and sharing this video that includes our efforts of LNT education on your show "You Don't Say".